212412: Newspaper or Periodical Editor

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212412: Newspaper or Periodical Editor

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Skill Level: 1

Assessing Authority: VETASSESS

[et_parent tab_style=”iconbox-iconlist” justified=”true” tab_align=”center” tab_to_mobile=”accordion”][et_single icon=”check-square-o” tab_title=”Visa Options” tab_id=”1539318421649-29d00-1c36c187-fc5b06e9-3fd6a209-4ae38387-4821564a-0eaaca6b-ebf88c30-26b7968e-8552c72a-e0638242-8770467e-4b25″]

Visa Options – ANZSCO 212412

Visa TypeEligibilityMLTSSLSTSOLROL
Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent)---
Subclass 190 (Skilled Nominated)--
Subclass 491 (State/Territory nominated)--
Subclass 491 (NOT nominated by State/Territory)---
Subclass 485 (Graduate)---
Subclass 482 (TSS) --
Subclass 186 (ENS)---
Subclass 187 (RSMS)--
Subclass 407 (Training)--
[/et_single][et_single icon=”map” tab_title=”State Eligibility” tab_id=”1539318421669-19d00-1c36c187-fc5b06e9-3fd6a209-4ae38387-4821564a-0eaaca6b-ebf88c30-26b7968e-8552c72a-e0638242-8770467e-4b25″]

State Eligibility Summary Table – ANZSCO 212412

  • null
    Occupation MAY be eligible
  • null
    Occupation in the ‘Supplementary Skilled List’ or ‘Special Conditions Apply’
  • null
    Occupation NOT on relevant ‘State Occupation List’, or ‘Closed’ status; but MAY still be eligible if you meet the requirements
  • null
    Occupation NOT eligible
If you want to know further details about your nominated occupation and other useful information, you may contact us at 1300-896-519
[/et_single][et_single icon=”buysellads” tab_title=”ANZSCO Details” tab_id=”1539318476626-3-49d00-1c36c187-fc5b06e9-3fd6a209-4ae38387-4821564a-0eaaca6b-ebf88c30-26b7968e-8552c72a-e0638242-8770467e-4b25″]

212412: Newspaper or Periodical Editor

Major Group: 2 – Professionals | Sub-Major Group: 21 – Arts and Media Professionals | Minor Group: 212 – Media Professionals | Unit Group: 2124 – Journalists and Other Writers


Plans and directs editing of a publication, such as a newspaper, magazine or journal, in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines and accepted rules of grammar, style and format prior to printing and distribution.

Skill Level 

Occupations at Skill Level 1 have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.


  • Features Editor
  • News Editor
  • Pictures Editor
  • Subeditor
  • Website/Blog Editor

Specialization titles are any commonly used titles which refer to a subset of jobs belonging to the occupation designated in the principal title. These jobs involve the performance of specialised tasks rather than the broader range of tasks usually performed in the occupation.



  • Determining advertising approach by consulting clients and management, and studying products to establish principal selling features
  • Writing advertisements for press, radio, television, cinema screens, billboards, catalogues and shop displays
  • Making decisions about the specific content of publications in conjunction with other senior editors and in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines
  • Reviewing copy for publication to ensure conformity with accepted rules of grammar, style and format, coherence of story, and accuracy, legality and probity of content
  • Collecting and analysing facts about newsworthy events from interviews, printed matter, investigations and observations
  • Writing news reports, commentaries, articles and feature stories for newspapers, magazines, journals, television and radio on topics of public interest
  • Researching and writing technical, information-based material and documentation for manuals, text books, handbooks and multimedia products
  • Critically discussing daily news topics in the editorial columns of newspapers and reviewing books, films and plays


Assessing Authority

VETASSESS: Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services
[/et_single][et_single icon=”info” tab_title=”CAVEATS” tab_id=”1546077891901-4-1″]

“Currently there is no known caveats applicable to this occupation”. Refer to Department of Home Affairs website for updated list. 


Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Commonwealth of Australia 2015 – Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) Version 1.2 CODER, Cat No. 1220.030.001, http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/1220.0


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