Occupation Ceilings 2018-19

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Occupation Ceilings 2018-19

An ‘occupation ceiling’ might be applied to invitations issued under the independent, skilled regional (provisional) visas. This means there will be a limit on how many EOIs can be selected for skilled migration from an occupation group.

Occupation ceilings do not apply to State or Territory Nominated, Employer Sponsored or Business Innovation and Investment visa subclasses.

The table below shows the occupation ceilings for the 2018-2019 program year for each occupation on the list of eligible skilled occupations by four-digit ANZSCO code unit group.

Unit GroupDescriptionCeiling ValueInvitations IssuedVariationInvitations Left (%)
1213Livestock Farmers4,84100100 %
1331Construction Managers5,98213+699.78 %
1332Engineering Managers1,13110+299.12 %
1341Child Care Centre Managers1,0001099.9 %
1342Health and Welfare Services Managers1,3023+199.77 %
2211Accountants3,753636+33683.05 %
2212Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers1,342227+12083.08 %
2241Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians1,00025+1097.5 %
2245Land Economists and Valuers1,00012+498.8 %
2247Management and Organisation Analysts3,89479+3497.97 %
2321Architects and Landscape Architects1,25187+2093.05 %
2322Surveyors and Spatial Scientists1,00023+1097.7 %
2331Chemical and Materials Engineers1,000133+3186.7 %
2332Civil Engineering Professionals3,510339+10990.34 %
2333Electrical Engineers1,000172+5682.8 %
2334Electronics Engineers30051+2783 %
2335Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers1,780301+15983.09 %
2339Other Engineering Professionals700119+6383 %
2341Agricultural and Forestry Scientists1,00045+1695.5 %
2346Medical Laboratory Scientists1,60038+1097.62 %
2347Veterinarians1,00025+597.5 %
2349Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals1,0007+299.3 %
2411Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers2,48870+2197.19 %
2414Secondary School Teachers8,480115+2998.64 %
2415Special Education Teachers1,0001099.9 %
2512Medical Imaging Professionals1,2245+399.59 %
2514Optometrists and Orthoptists1,0003+399.7 %
2519Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals1,0002099.8 %
2521Chiropractors and Osteopaths1,00010+499 %
2524Occupational Therapists1,22719+498.45 %
2525Physiotherapists1,61331+1498.08 %
2526Podiatrists1,0001099.9 %
2527Audiologists and Speech Pathologists Therapists1,00021+497.9 %
2531General Practitioners and Resident Medical Officers3,348100+2197.01 %
2533Specialist Physicians1,00015+898.5 %
2534Psychiatrists1,0002099.8 %
2535Surgeons1,0004099.6 %
2539Other Medical Practitioners1,145221+4480.7 %
2541Midwives1,00011+598.9 %
2544Registered Nurses17,322413+12097.62 %
2611ICT Business and Systems Analysts1,466248+13183.08 %
2613Software and Applications Programmers7,2711,231+65083.07 %
2621Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists2,660295+9188.91 %
2631Computer Network Professionals2,167367+19483.06 %
2633Telecommunications Engineering Professionals1,000251+6974.9 %
2711Barristers1,00000100 %
2713Solicitors3,77054+1698.57 %
2723Psychologists2,22819+599.15 %
2725Social Workers2,12553+1697.51 %
3122Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians1,00014+598.6 %
3123Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians1,0004+199.6 %
3132Telecommunications Technical Specialists1,0007+199.3 %
3211Automotive Electricians1,00000100 %
3212Motor Mechanics6,09910+199.84 %
3222Sheetmetal Trades Workers1,00000100 %
3223Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers4,6393+199.94 %
3232Metal Fitters and Machinists6,9893+199.96 %
3233Precision Metal Trades Workers1,00000100 %
3241Panelbeaters1,00000100 %
3311Bricklayers and Stonemasons1,5941099.94 %
3312Carpenters and Joiners8,3726+199.93 %
3322Painting Trades Workers3,2773+199.91 %
3331Glaziers1,0001+199.9 %
3332Plasterers2,08100100 %
3334Wall and Floor Tilers1,25900100 %
3341Plumbers5,7663+199.95 %
3411Electricians9,30315+399.84 %
3421Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics1,83600100 %
3422Electrical Distribution Trades Workers1,01900100 %
3423Electronics Trades Workers1,76913+399.27 %
3513Chefs2,82118+699.36 %
3941Cabinetmakers1,4211+199.93 %
3991Boat Builders and Shipwrights1,00000100 %
Ceiling Value Limit on the number of invitations that can be issued through SkillSelect each year
Invitations Issued Number of invitations issued in the current program year to date
Variation Variation with respect to the previous Invitation Round on 11 August 2018
Last Invitation Round 11 September 2018

Occupation Ceilings apply to:

  • Skilled Independent visa (class SI) (subclass 189 )
  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (class SR) (subclass 489)

Occupation Ceilings do NOT apply to:

  • Skilled Nominated (subclass 190)
  • Skilled Regional (Provisional) (Class SN) (subclass 489)
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (subclass 187)
  • Business Talent (subclass 132)
  • Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188)
  • Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)

Source: Australian Government Department of Home Affairs | SkillSelect | Occupation ceilings –https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Trav/Work/Skil


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